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If you have not read Come as You Are (2015) by Emily Nagoski, Ph.D., there is one section that provides such a lovely metaphor that describes how much of what we experienced growing up contributed to shaping how we see

I’m writing this the day of my 6th marathon, while I still feel alive! I have the rush and celebration of my body, my determination, and probably a little of my “crazy”! I’m an endurance runner. I actually don’t talk

I recently came across this article, What Death Taught Me, in The Huffington Post. In this article, the author, Katie Dreyer, describes her experience of dealing with her mother’s battle with cancer and the death of her mother. She describes

What is the only time that crying, screaming, sleep deprivation and dirty diapers are related to a life-changing milestone of joy? Answer: You guessed it – when you have a baby. Every parent knows that having a baby brings a