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Depending on who you talk to, the holidays can be a season of joy, excitement, stress, sadness, and/or all the above. The season is a complex time because it may mean spending time with loved ones and it may mean

It’s a well known fact in my family that my humor is a bit off. When I think something is hilarious, it often doesn’t translate that way for everyone else. For example, we were at dinner the other night and I

It’s easy to talk about positive feelings but it’s uncomfortable to discuss all the negative feelings. We live in a “pack it away” society. From a young age, most of us are taught to “get over it”, “pull yourself up”, and

As a therapist, I frequently get asked, “What can I do to help my partner/child/family member/friend when they are struggling?” The client usually tells me that they offer solutions, like say “I’m sorry”, give advice, etc. and that nothing helps.